A Puzzle-solving Action Game

Sep 2023
Made with Unity
Ludum Dare 54 - Overall #6

I first led the brainstorming and set a time limit for us so that we won't spend too much time on this.
Then I arranged the works that need to be done in order and assigned them to me and my other teammates including a programmer, a designer, and an artist. After we finshed our work, I assembled the features together and made the final build.
Within this period, I also have to schedule a time table to make sure we always have enough time to finish the game.

The theme of the game jam is Limited Space. We came up with so many ideas during the brainstorming stage and finally we sticked to one of those.
As the essence of a little glowing rat, the player possess the ability to traverse between 3D and 2D realms through tiny wall crevices. However, in this world, shadows materialize into tangible forms, becoming obstacles, and the rat can only exit under the light. So the mechanism of the game is clear and fit in the theme of the jam, which is , the player can use mouse to control the angle of the spotlight, so that the shape of the shadow and obstacle will change within the circle of the light and the rat can find a way to the final destination.
The Shadows are All Obstacles
The player can also change gameplay and views between top-down and side-scrolling platformer by interacting with crevices on the wall.

Change Views

My programming job in the team focuses on spotlight, 2 character controllers, and system implementation.
Player Controls

We uploaded the game to Ludum Dare official website and itch.io, they all received amazing reviews. Finally it turn out we were #6 among 2166 submissions.

Here is a trailer of the game.
Under the Spot Trailer