Aug 2020
Made with Unity
Nomination for BEST GAME JAM GAMES, China indie Game Alliance

The theme of the game jam was pretty tricky, it was a picture:

The first thing I could see from this picture is a big gap in the middle of the room, filled with express boxes. Then there is a woman sitting on the left side of the gap while the next side is a door, suggesting someone, maybe a man has left, who might be the woman's boyfriend or husband. So we guessed that the meaning of the picture is the express boxes caused the gap between the woman and the man and then maybe something bad happened, so the woman seems very upset.
Based on our understanding, we wanted to create a story to demonstrate the situation and a special way to tell the story. After brainstorming, we decided to use the boxes as the medium to tell the story -- the woman has fallen into the consumption trap and owed too much money to the bank, however, the man just keeps buying more luxury products for the woman. But the woman can never get satisfied and finally, something bad happened to the man.
In the game process, the player will sit in front of a desk, playing from the woman's view, and open express boxes one by one. Each box contains a letter and a gift from the man, so the player can read the letters, inspect the gifts or interact with the objects on the desk. In this special way, the story is revealed as the player opens boxes.

My programming job in the team focused on the player's interaction with the objects, including lifting objects, inspecting objects, and objects' animation. The players can interact with almost everything smoothly in the scene.

Object Interaction

With this game, we successfully won the chance to present it at WePlay Expo in Shanghai, and we finally won the Nomination for BEST GAME JAM GAMES in the indiePlay Awards 2020.
Here are some of screenshots the game True Love Express

If you are also interested in True Love Express, please feel free to download and play by clicking the link below. (P.S. this is the game jam version)

Here is a playthrough video with translation in case you don't speak Chinese.
Playthrough Video With Translation